Fake Science Makes Me Angry

Critical Thinking

Jim Carr


May 26, 2007

I’m not a scientist. But I do believe that science, and the rigorous application of the scientific method, is the greatest tool that mankind has for stripping away ignorance and superstition. When I see science hijacked and misused as a tool to push an agenda, it makes me angry and sad.

Right now, in Petersburg, KY, a museum is preparing to open. This museum is large (60,000 square feet), and well financed. It has beautiful and compelling exhibits, focusing on dinosaurs. At first glance, it looks like a great place to visit, and a wonderful learning resource.

Not so fast.

Near the front lobby, a large exhibit greets visitors. This exhibit depicts a group of dinosaurs, and near them, a group of ancient human children play happily near a waterfall. Yes, this exhibit depicts the dinosaurs and humans as living together.

The Creation Museum is the brainchild of Ken Ham, a young earth creationist. He is president of “Answers in Genesis”, a non-profit Christian apologetics ministry focusing on a literal, or “plain”, interpretation of the first books of Genesis. The museum presents a distorted view of the paleontological record, one in which the earth (and indeed the entire universe) is no more than 6000 years old, dinosaurs were with Noah on the ark, and the grand canyon was carved out in a short time by the waters of the great flood. (Oh, and another thing: The theory of evolution has indirectly caused, or heavily contributed to, the rise of humanism, racism, eugenics, euthanasia, pornography, homosexuality, family breakup, abortion, and more by increasing the influence of atheism).

Mr. Ham’s arguments are not accepted or taken seriously by any mainstream scientific organization. As much as he invokes the word “science”, he does not in reality apply any scientific principles in his arguments. He simply takes his preconceived notions, and couches them in pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and doublespeak to advance his agenda.

From an intellectual standpoint, this museum is dangerous, particularly for children. Children don’t have well-developed critical thinking skills. This museum presents its case with very detailed and professional-looking exhibits, and friendly staff. Children (and many adults) cannot help but to be compelled to accept this as fact.

This is not science. It’s a well-funded push of a religious agenda. I don’t buy it, and you shouldn’t either.