Ken Feder and the Myth of the Ancient Astronauts

Critical Thinking

Jim Carr


January 20, 2013

On Saturday, January 19th, it was my distinct pleasure to attend the first of the 2013 “Myths and Mysteries in Archaeology” lecture series at SunWatch entitled “Amorous Astronauts, Inkblots, and a Low Opinion of Our Ancestors – The Ancient Aliens Fantasy”. The lecture was presented by Dr. Ken Feder, who is a professor of Anthropology at Central Connecticut State University.

The notion of “ancient aliens“, extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth in the distant past, has been popularized in movies, television, and books. Dr. Feder methodically (and with great humor) laid out a series of rebuttals to the so-called “evidence” for these visitations. The source of much of the ancient alien theory comes from the book “Chariots of the Gods“, written by Erich von Daniken. (It should be noted that Mr. von Daniken is not an anthropologist, historian, nor scientist of any kind. But, he does have a substantial criminal record, mostly for fraud and theft.)

The ancient aliens theory can be summarized as follows:

Dr. Feder’s response to each of these are as follows:

Dr. Feder also discussed the depiction on the lid of the tomb of K’inish Janaab Pacal, ruler of Palenque:

This is interpreted by von Daniken to show Pacal piloting a spaceship. In reality, the pictograph shows Pacal in death, ascending to the afterworld.

This was a great kickoff to the spring lecture series. Can’t wait for the next one!