Who Ya Gonna Call?

Critical Thinking

Jim Carr


October 28, 2017

Today I attended an event at the Eaton branch of the Preble County District Library entitled “Southern Ohio Supernatural”. Southern Ohio Supernatural (SOS) is a father, mother, and son team of ghost (and just about everything else) hunters from Camden, Ohio. Here’s a description from their Facebook page:

We are a family investigating the paranormal. After a life time of experiencing what others call strange we have officially started our own investigating team. We not only accept cases of ghost, & spirits, but also Sasquatch, cryptids, & U.F.O.s. We not only go in searching to find the truth but to actually help those having the experiences to rid their home of unwanted spirits if that is the goal. We have investigated not only lots of local areas, but also Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Adena Mounds, Serpent Mounds, & Point Pleasant, WV.

When I arrived, I found an almost full room of mostly older folks. One of the library employees introduced the SOS team: John (dad), Marsha (mom), and Matt (son), and read the description above. (Kudos to this person for managing to keep a straight face.)

Most of the session was a back-and-forth between the three of them, telling stories. Some highlights:

But, it wasn’t just ghosts!

Wait, there’s more!

After all of these stories, they talked a bit about some of the items that they use:

The meeting wrapped up with lots of stories of ghosts and hauntings from audience members.

In summary:

I didn’t hear anything I’d consider compelling or convincing. And, sadly, the room ate it up.