Cleveland Archaeological Society Lecture Series


Jim Carr


December 28, 2020

Each year, the Cleveland Archaeological Society hosts a series of lectures. This year, because of the pandemic, the lectures are being conducted via Zoom.

Title Date
The Handmade’s Tale: The View from Figurines on Cult and Society in Ancient Corinth September 9, 2020
The Mississippian Iconography of Serpent Mound October 14, 2020
Land Labor and Coercion in Post-Emancipation Dominica November 11, 2020
Mother of God: Global Textiles in Early Modern Ethiopian Paintings of the Virgin Mary February 10, 2021
The Antikythera Mechanism: Discoveries Old & New March 17, 2021
A Phonetic Zoo: The Origins of Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing April 7, 2021

More information here.