DuckDuckGo AI Chat


Jim Carr


April 15, 2024

As impressed as I’ve been with Google Gemini, I can’t help but be concerned about the privacy issues. So, I was pleased when I recently discovered DuckDuckGo’s new AI Chat feature.

When you execute a search on DuckDuckGo, you’ll now see a new option at the top of the results:

Clicking “Chat” gives you a UI very similar to other AI Chatbots. (You can also send your query directly to the Chat UI by including a chat bang in your query text, e.g., What are the pros and cons of AI? !chat.)

When the Chat UI is displayed, you’ll notice a comforting bit of text on the left-hand side:

Active Privacy Protection Your chats are private, never saved by us, and not used to train AI models.

You can choose from two different chat models:

I seem to be getting slightly better results from Claude.

If you want to make use of AI Chat, but via a delivery that’s more privacy-centric, this seems to be a good choice!