Modern Perl


Jim Carr


July 1, 2024

Last year, I wrote an article detailing my experience re-creating a Python script in Perl. This was a pretty cumbersome exercise, but I didn’t use many of Perl’s newer features. I decided to re-visit this, leveraging some of these newer features to see how well it improves the process.

Enabling Features

To take advantage of specific features, use the aptly named feature pragma.

You can enable an individual feature by name, and multiple features at once with qw(). For example, this:

use feature 'fc';
use feature 'say';

Is the same as this:

use feature qw(fc say);

Full example:

use feature qw(fc say);

$x = 'Test';

say "The case-folded version of $x is: " . fc $x;


The case-folded version of Test is: test

Without use feature, you’d get this:

String found where operator expected (Do you need to predeclare "say"?) at ./ line 7, near "say "The case-folded version of $x is: ""
syntax error at ./ line 7, near "say "The case-folded version of $x is: ""
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.

You can also take advantage of feature bundles, enabling all of the features available as of a given version:

# implicitly loads 5.36 feature bundle

use v5.36;

But, you must also have (at least) that version of Perl installed, of course:

use v5.40;
Perl v5.40.0 required--this is only v5.38.2, stopped at ./ line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 3.

Useful Features

Lots of new features have been added in recent years, but I’ll take advantage of only a small subset of them for this exercise. I’ll be using features available in 5.38.2 and earlier.

Feature Version Notes
New class feature 5.38.0 Adds support for object-oriented code.
New say built-in 5.10.0 Works like print, adds a newline.
Subroutine signatures no longer considered experimental 5.36.0 Supports named parameters in subroutines.

Refactoring As Structured Code

We’ll start with the first subroutine that’s called.

Here’s the original:

sub exec_backup_set {
    my @source_paths = @{ [0] };
    my $target_path  = [1];

    foreach my $source_path (@source_paths) {
        exec_backup( $source_path, $target_path );

And here’s the new version, using the signatures feature to implement subroutine arguments as lexical variables:

sub exec_backup_set ( $target_path, @source_paths ) {
    foreach my $source_path (@source_paths) {
        exec_backup( $source_path, $target_path );

You’ll notice that using named arguments in the method signature is a lot cleaner. But, we have to swap the source_paths and target_path arguments. Why? Since source_paths is an array, it’s a ‘slurpy’ argument, meaning it will reference all remaining arguments in the signature. So, if it were the first argument, it would also absorb the contents of target_path.

A “slurpy” parameter is a list or hash parameter that “slurps up” all remaining arguments. Since any following parameters can’t receive values, there can be only one slurpy parameter.

Slurpy parameters must come at the end of the signature and they must be positional.

Slurpy parameters are optional by default.

Next, we’ll refactor the exec_backup subroutine. Here’s the original:

sub exec_backup {
    my ( $source, $target ) = @_;

    my $proc_name = "rsync -lrtv --delete \"${source}\" \"${target}\"";

    unless ( -d $target ) {

    if ( -d $target ) {
        print("Syncing ${source}...\n");
        print("Synced ${source}\n");


For our updated version, we’ll use the signatures feature again, along with the say feature:

sub exec_backup_modern ( $source, $target ) {
    my $proc_name = "rsync -lrtv --delete \"${source}\" \"${target}\"";

    unless ( -d $target ) {

    if ( -d $target ) {
        say("Syncing ${source}...");

        say("Synced ${source}");


Now we have enough information to refactor our entire script. Here’s the “modern” version of our old script:

use strict;
use warnings;

use feature 'signatures';
use feature 'say';
sub exec_backup ( $source, $target ) {
    my $proc_name = "rsync -lrtv --delete \"${source}\" \"${target}\"";

    unless ( -d $target ) {

    if ( -d $target ) {
        say("Syncing ${source}...");


        say("Synced ${source}");


sub exec_backup_set ( $target_path, @source_paths ) {
    foreach my $source_path (@source_paths) {
        exec_backup( $source_path, $target_path );
my @target_paths =
  ( "/target1/", "/target2/" );
# regular file sets
my @regular_files = (
    "/home/jimc/source1",  "/home/jimc/source2",
    "/home/jimc/source3",  "/home/jimc/source4"
exec_backup_set( $target_paths[0], @regular_files );
# large file sets
my @large_files = ( "/home/jimc/large1", "/home/jimc/large2" );
exec_backup_set( $target_paths[1], @large_files );

sleep(2);  # pause before exiting

With these changes, we have a script that’s more concise and readable.

Refactoring As Object-Oriented Code

We’ve improved the code, but what if we want to implement it using an object-oriented paradigm instead of structured? We can accomplish this using the class feature.

Let’s start with a very simple example:

use strict;
use warnings;

use feature 'class';
use feature 'say';

class MyUtil::Backup {

    method say_hello {

my $backup_obj = MyUtil::Backup->new();

If you’re familiar with “old” Perl, this will look very unusual. We have a couple of new keywords we’re using, class and method. In this example, we’ve defined a new class Backup in a namespace MyUtil. Inside the class, we have a single callable method named say_hello. We create an instance of the class named $backup_obj and then call the say_hello method. We run the code and…

class is experimental at ./ line 9.
method is experimental at ./ line 11.

The code runs, but the interpreter is warning us about the experimental nature of the class and method keywords. We can suppress this with a no warnings directive. With our code now looking like this:

use strict;
use warnings;

use feature 'class';
use feature 'say';

no warnings 'experimental::class';

class MyUtil::Backup {
    method say_hello {

my $backup_obj = MyUtil::Backup->new();

We see this:


Now let’s add a field to hold our name, and use it in our greeting:

use strict;
use warnings;

use feature 'class';
use feature 'say';

no warnings 'experimental::class';

class MyUtil::Backup {

    field $name : param;

    method say_hello {
        say("Hello, $name!");

my $backup_obj = MyUtil::Backup->new( name => 'Jim' );

We’ve added a field named $name. param indicates that the field value will be initialized in the constructor, which we call as MyUtil::Backup->new( name => 'Jim' ).

When we run, we see this:

Hello, Jim!

Now we’ve learned enough to refactor our structured script, and make it object-oriented:

use strict;
use warnings;

use feature 'class';
use feature 'say';

no warnings 'experimental::class';

class MyUtil::Backup {

    method exec_backup ( $source, $target ) {
        my $proc_name = "rsync -lrtv --delete \"${source}\" \"${target}\"";

        unless ( -d $target ) {

        if ( -d $target ) {
            say("Syncing ${source}...");


            say("Synced ${source}");


    method exec_backup_set ( $target_path, @source_paths ) {
        foreach my $source_path (@source_paths) {
            $self->exec_backup( $source_path, $target_path );

my $backup_obj = MyUtil::Backup->new();

my @target_paths =
  ( "/target1/", "/target2/" );
# regular file sets
my @regular_files = (
    "/home/jimc/source1",  "/home/jimc/source2",
    "/home/jimc/source3",  "/home/jimc/source4"

$backup_obj->exec_backup_set( $target_paths[0], @regular_files );
# large file sets
my @large_files = ( "/home/jimc/large1", "/home/jimc/large2" );

$backup_obj->exec_backup_set( $target_paths[1], @large_files );

sleep(2);  # pause before exiting

This one’s a bit more verbose, but still pretty clean and readable.

Note the syntax of the call to the exec_backup method from the exec_backup_set method: I had to prefix it with $self to indicate that a method of the current instance of the class is being called.

The Verdict

I still don’t consider Perl to be the friendliest language in the world, but taking advantage of modern features definitely improves the experience!